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英文名:South China Agricultural University 简称:“华农”,“华农大”,“SCAU” 所在地:广州 院校代码:10564 类型:综合类

  • 陆旺金详细资料

陆旺金 博士 教授,博士生导师
  1983.09-1987.07 华中农业大学蔬菜学专业 农学学士
  1987.09-1990.08 南京农业大学植物生理学专业 农学硕士
  199309-1996.07 中山大学 植物生理学专业 理学博士
  2000.10-2002.09 日本冈山大学 农学部 博士后
  1990、08-1993、08 江西省庐山植物园 工作,研究实习员,助理研究员
  1996、07-2003、11 华南农业大学园艺学院工作,1998年晋升为副教授;
  2003、12-至今 华南农业大学园艺学院教授,博士研究生指导教师
  2007、1—至今 华南农业大学园艺学院 副院长
  1. 果树学
  2. 园艺产品采后生理与分子生物学
  代表性论文(Representative Publications)
  1. Kuang JF, Chen JY, Luo M, Wu K, Sun W, Jiang YM, Lu WJ*. Histone Deacetylase HD2 I nteracts with ERF1 and is involved in longan fruit senescence. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, (20110815接受, doi:10.1093/jxb/err290, SCI,IF2010=4.818)
  2. Chen JY, Liu DJ, Jiang YM, Zhao ML, Shan W , Kuang JF, Lu WJ*. Molecular characterization of a strawberry FaASR gene in relation to fruit ripening. PLoS ONE, September 2011, 6( 9):1-12, SCI, IF2010=4.411)
  3. Kuang JF, Zhang Y, Chen JY, Chen QJ, Jiang YM, Lin HT, Xu SJ, Lu WJ*. Two GH3 genes from longan are differentially regulated during fruit growth and development. Gene,2011(485):1-6
  4.Yan SC, Chen JY, Yu WM, Kuang JF, Chen WX, Li XP and Lu WJ*. Expression of genes associated with ethylene-signalling pathway in harvested banana fruit in response to temperature and 1-MCP treatment. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2011; 91: 650–657 (IF 1.386)
  5. Liu DJ, Chen JY, Lu WJ*. Expression and regulation of the early auxin-responsive Aux/IAA genes during strawberry fruit development. Molecular Biology Reports, 2011, 38:1187–1193 (IF 2.05)
  6.Sun JH, Chen JY, Chen WX, Lu WJ*. Expression of sHSP genes as affected by heat shock and cold acclimation in relation to chilling tolerance in plum fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2010,55:91-96. (IF 2.311)
  7.Chen JY, Xiao R, Lin HT, Ou M, Kuang JF, Lu WJ*. Characterization and regulation of multiple forms of endo-1,4-β-glucanase genes during longan fruit growth and development. Scientia Horticulturae, 2009 ,122:550-555 (IF 1.197)
  8.Ou Min, Xiao Ruo, Chen JY, Lin HT, Jiang YM, Lu WJ*. Expression of a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene in relation to aril breakdown in harvested longan fruit. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology.2009, 84 (5) 553–559 (IF 0.839)
  9.Xie H, Chen JY, Yuan RC, Feng HL Xu SJ, Zhong YX, Li JG, Lu WJ*. Differential expression and regulation of expansin gene family members during fruit growth and development of Shijia long fruit. Plant Growth Regulation, 2009, 58:225-233(IF 1.53)
  10.Shen WB, Li CR, Chen JY, Xie JH, Lu WJ*. Expansin gene expression in cherimoya fruit is correlated with flesh firmness during fruit ripening and softening. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2009, 84 (3) 333-339 (SCI收录,IF 0.839)
  11.Xiao R, Chen JY, Chen JW, Ou M, Jiang YM, Lin HT, Lu WJ*. Expression analysis of endo-1,4-β-glucanase genes during aril breakdown of harvested longan fruit. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2009, 89, 1129-1136 (IF 1.386)
  12.Chen JY., He LH, Jiang YM, Kuang JF, Lu CB, Joyce DC, Macnish A,He YX, Lu WJ*. Expression of PAL and HSPs in fresh-cut banana fruit. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009, 66:31-37 (IF 3.164)
  13.Feng HL, ZhongYX, Xie H, Chen JY, Li JG, Lu WJ*. Differential expression and regulation of longan XET genes in relation to fruit growth. Plant Science, 2008, 174,32-37 (IF 2.05)
  14.Zhong YX, Chen JY, Jiang YM, Lin HT, Feng HL, Kuang JF, Xiao R, Ou M, Xie H, Lu WJ*. Expansin and XET genes are differentially expressed during aril breakdown in harvested longan fruit. Journal American Society Horticultural Science. 2008, 33: 462-467(IF 1.009)
  14.Chen JY, He LH, Jiang YM, Wang Y, Joyce DC, Ji ZL, Lu WJ*.Role of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in heat pretreatment-induced chilling tolerance in banana fruit. Physiologia Plantarum, 2008, 132:318-328 (IF 2.708)
  15.Wang Y, Chen JY, Jiang YM, Lu WJ*. Cloning and Expression Analysis of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase in Relation to Chilling Tolerance in Harvested Banana Fruit. Postharvest Biology Technology, 2007,44:34-41 (IF 2.311)
  16.Lu WJ, Wang Y, Jiang YM, Li JG, Liu H, Duan XW, Song LL. Differential expression of litchi XET genes in relation to fruit growth and cracking. Plant Physiology Biochemistry, 2006, 44,707-713 (IF 2.485)
  17.Wang Y, Lu WJ (Co-first author), Li JG, Jiang YM. Differential expression of two exapnsin genes in developing fruits of cracking- susceptible and resistant litchi varieties, Journal of American Society for Horticultural Science,2006,131:181-184 (IF 1.009)
  18.Wang Y, Lu WJ (Co-first author), Jiang YM et al. Ethylene and expression of expansin genes in cool-stored ripening banana fruit. Plant Science, 2006, 962-967(IF 2.05)
  1. Chen L, Zhong HY, Kuang JF, Li JG, Lu WJ, Chen JY. Validation of reference genes for RT-qPCR studies of gene expression in banana fruit under different experimental conditions. Planta, DOI 10.1007/s00425-011-1410-3 (accepted, 25 March 2011)
  2. Liu H, Song LL, You YL, Li YB, Duan XW, Jiang YM, Joyce D, Ashraf M, Lu WJ. Cold storage duration affects litchi fruit quality, membrane permeability, enzyme activities and energy charge during shelf time at ambient temperature. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2011, 60:24–30
  3. Xia R, Lu WJ, Wang ZH, Li JG. Cloning and characterisation of two genes for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and their possible roles during fruit development in Dimocarpus longan. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2011, 86(1): 25–30
  4. Zhong HY, Chen JW, Li CQ, Chen L, Wu IY, Chen JY, Lu WJ, Li JG. Selection of reliable reference genes for expression studies by reverse transcription quantitative real-time PCR in litchi under different experimental conditions. Plant Cell Reports, 2011, 30:641–653
  5. Yang XT, Pang XQ, Xu LY, Fang RQ, Huang XM, Guan PJ, Lu WJ, Zhang ZQ. Accumulation of soluble sugars in peel at high temperature leads to stay-green ripe banana fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2009, 60: 4051-4062.
  6. Cheng GP, Yang E, Lu WJ, Jia Y, Jiang YM, Duan XW. Effect of nitric oxide on ethylene synthesis and softening of banana fruit slice during ripening. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57(13):5799-5804.
  7. Li CR, Shen WB, Lu WJ, Jiang YM, Xie JH, Chen JY . 1-MCP delayed softening and affected expressions of XET and EXP genes in harvested cherimoya fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2009, 52,254-259.
  8. Duan XW, Cheng GP, Jiang YM, Yi C, Yang E, Neungnapa Ruenroengklin, Lu WJ and Luo YB. Modification of pectin polysaccharides during ripening of postharvest banana fruit. Food Chemistry, 2008, 111: 144–149
  9. Cheng GP, Duan XW, Shi J, Lu WJ, Luo YB, Jiang WB, Jiang YM. Effects of reactive oxygen species on cellular wall disassembly of banana fruit during ripening. Food Chemistry, 2008, 109(2): 319-324
  10. Cheng GP, Duan XW, Yang B, Jiang YM, Lu WJ, Luo YB, Jiang WB. Effect of hydroxyl radical on the scission of cellular wall polysaccharides in vitro of banana fruit at various ripening stages. Acta Physiologia Plantarum, 2008, 30:257–263
  11. Li P, Wu H, Geng S, Wang XF, Lu WJ, Yang Y, Shultz LM, Tang T, Zhang N. Germination and dormancy of seeds in Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench (Asteraceae). Seed Science and Technology, 2007, 35: 9-20
  12. Nishiyama K, Guis M, Rose JKC, Kubo Y, Bennett KA, Lu WJ, Kato K, Ushijima1 K, Nakano R, Inaba A, Bouzayen M, Latche A, Pech JC and Bennett AB. Ethylene regulation of fruit softening and cell wall disassembly in Charentais melon. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2007, 58(6):1281-90
  13. Inaba A, Liu X, Yokotani N, Yamane M, Lu WJ, Nakano R, Kubo Y. Differential feedback regulation of ethylene biosynthesis in pulp and peel tissues of banana fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2007, 58 (5):1047-57
  14. Liu XH, Ma N, Xue JQ, Lu WJ, Gao JP. Ethylene-Influenced Flower Opening and Expression of Genes Encoding ETRs, CTRs, and EIN3s in Two Cut Rose. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2006, 40: 90-105.
  1 何全光,邝键飞,陈建业,陆旺金(通讯作者)。脂氧合酶在香蕉果实成熟过程中的作用,中国农业科学,2011,44(1):118-124
  21徐士娟,邝健飞,陆旺金,万嗣宝,陈建业。龙眼果实ACS 和ACO 基因克隆及其表达特性,果树学报2010,27(1): 39~44
  3 贺立红,陈建业,于伟民,王勇,陆旺金(通讯作者)。香蕉果实乙烯受体基因克隆及其表达特性,中国农业科学, 2009,42(4):1359-1364
  4 吴富旺, 邝健飞, 陆旺金, 刘洪见, 陈建业。荔枝果实内切- 1, 4 - β - 葡聚糖酶基因( EG)的克隆及其表达分析,园艺学报 2009, 36 (12) : 1733 – 1740
  5 李瑞红, 范燕萍,, 余让才, 陆旺金, 庄楚雄。白姜花倍半萜合成酶基因的克隆及表达,园艺学报,2008, 35 (10) : 1527 - 1532
  6李云, 钱春梅, 陆旺金,张昭其,庞学群。香蕉和大蕉果实在不同温度下催熟后的色泽变化. 园艺学报,2006, 33 (3) : 617~620
  7夏瑞,陆旺金,李建国,杜鹃。简并引物的程序化设计与荔枝HMGR基因片段的克隆. 果树学报2006, 23 ( 6) : 903~906
  1 枣果实采后软化相关基因分离及功能解析,科技部973前期专项(项目批准号:2010CB134407),70万元,2010、4~2012、8
  2 CBF调控香蕉果实耐冷性过程中HDACs的作用及机制,国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:30970628),32万元,2010、1~2012、12
  4 细胞壁多糖代谢与Expansin与香蕉果实软化启动的关系,国家自然科学基金(项目批准号:30371007),20万元,2004、1~2006、12
  5 农产品冷链物流技术集成、标准制订与示范应用,科技部“十二五”支撑计划子课题:(2011BAD24B02-4),162万元,2011、1~2014、12
  7广东特色水果品质劣变机理及其控制的研究,广东省自然科学基金团队项目(项目批准号:06200670,项目团队核心成员),125万元, 2007、1~2010、12
  8 广东省岭南水果产业技术体系采后处理岗位科学家,广东省农业厅, 2009至“十二五”期间,每年30万元
  9 荔枝果实Expansin基因的克隆与荔枝裂果,教育部留学回国人员基金,2万元, 2004、1~2005、12
  2 国家香蕉产业技术体系采后处理岗位,国家农业部,2008年至“十二五”期间,每年70万元,参加,排名2,
  3 热带、亚热带水果采后衰老和质量裂变的调控机理,国家基金委——广东省政府联合基金(项目批准号:U0631004,排名4),120万元,2007、1~2010。12
  4 广东省高校科技成果转化项目:广东特色水果保鲜与流通新技术成果转化(第三主持人,项目批准号:CGZHZD0606),140万元,2007、1~2009、12
  1 2008年广东省科技进步一等奖(基础类,A03-0-1-02-R05,成果证书编号:粤府证[2009]2957):园艺产品采后品质的调控机制(排名5)
  2 2007年广东省科技进步二等奖(B01-1-2-02-R09,成果证书编号:粤府证[2008]1626):出口荔枝、龙眼冷处理保鲜关键技术研究与应用(排名9)
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